
In Memory

  Using records within the library and the Naval History website the following is a list of Communicators that "crossed the bar" whilst in service. The current list spans from the end of 1945 to 2008 and further work is being carried out to extend the list to the present day. If you know of a Commmunicator who "crossed the bar" whilst in service and you wish for them to be added then please get in touch with their details.

To view this list in Year order Click Here

Year Unit Rank/Rate Forename Surname
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Abbotts William CPO (TEL) Mercury 1954
Adair John RO(T) St Angelo 1973
Akhurst John PO Telegraphist Consort 1949
Allen Michael Telegraphist Owen 1951
Allen Stephen RO1(G) Excellent 1982
Allison Sam OM Collingwood 1996
Allsford Richard RS Warrior 1973
Anderson John LRO(G) Neptune 1997
Appleton Samantha WRO Raleigh 2006
Ashmore Edward Admiral of the Fleet Royal Navy 2016
Atkins Stephen LRO(G) Somerset 1997
Bacon Vernon YoS Golden Hind 1946
Baker John LTEL Goldcrest 1961
Barber Philip CRS Fittleton 1976
Barnard Robin RO1(T) Jupiter 1988
Barnes Derek Leading Signalman Mercury 1951
Barrett Neville RO2 President 1964
Batten Wayne JRO1 Tiger 1976
Beeston Mark LRO(T) HQBF Gibraltar 1997
Birt Phillip RO3 Osprey 1971
Bramley John Telegraphist Drake 1945
Bridgeman Simon LOM(C) Sutherland 2006
Brown James RO2 Dolphin 1974
Browne Charles CPO Telegraphist Yeoman 1946
Burnett George Commissioned Telegraphist Afrikander 1946
Cain James Signalman Cumberland 1946
Calvert William Ordinary Signalman Scotia 1947
Calvert Anthony RO2 Terror 1962
Carlon Trevor LRO(T) Neptune 2004
Castle-Smith Montague RO1 Maxton 1972
Charles Nicholas LRO Forest Moor 1969
Charlesworth Harry Telegraphist 744 SQDN 1953
Cheetham Charles Signalman Pembroke 1947
Claridge David LRO Victory 1969
Clarke James Ty/Act/Ldg Telegraphist Tenby 1945
Clifford Joseph Leading Signalman RNPS 1947
Cobb Philip RO1(G) Exeter 1984
Collins Francis RO1 Afrikander 1962
Colmer David LRO(W) St Angelo 1976
Cossey Richard RO(T) Sheba 1963
Crockett Henry Leading Signalman Valiant 1946
Crone Philip RO1(G) Daedalus 1984
Cross David LRO(G) Reclaim 1973
Crumplin Carolyn LT CDR Collingwood 2002
Cryan Henry Ord. Signalman Moreta 1946
Currell Adrian RO1(T) Daedalus 1986
Dempsey John Lt Cdr Mercury 1980
Dexter Andrew RO2 Mercury 1984
Dinning Malcolm RO2(G) Brereton 1969
Dowson Brian LRO Girdle Ness 1960
Drake Elfred Leading Telegraphist Drake IV 1945
Edwards Ian LRO(W) Renown 1976
Eley Raymond A/Ldg Telegraphist Lanka 1945
Evans Peter RO2 Daring 1966
Frampton David RO1(T) Mercury 1989
Froggatt Roland RS Cumberland 1990
Frost Noel Telegraphist Cavendish 1961
Gamble Gerard Ty/Leading Signalman Tenby 1945
Gamblin George CPO Telegraphist Mercury 1946
Gates George Signalman Morecombe Bay 1953
George N. Ord. Telegraphist Talwar 1946
Gibbons William Telegraphist Eland, illness 1947
Gibbons Raymond LRO Mercury 1971
Gittins Harold Telegraphist Affray 1951
Godfrey Kenneth CRS Walrus 1983
Goldie Frederick Telegraphist Anderson 1946
Gough Anthony RO2 Nubian 1970
Goulbourne George Telegraphist Drake 1947
Gower Nigel RO2 Mercury 1971
Graham Trevor RO1 Mercury 1971
Hailey Paul RO1(T) Arrow 1979
Hales Philip LRO(W) Nelson 1977
Hall Arthur Signalman Nimrod 1945
Harding Edward D. CPO (TEL) Mercury 1954
Hardingham Clive RS(W) Danae 1969
Hart Eric Ord. Telegraphist LST 403 1946
Hart Allan RO1(G) Cochrane 1989
Hasan Bin Y Leading Signalman RN (Malay Section) 1946
Hayward Clifford TO President 1962
Heys Harold Leading Signalman Pembroke 1947
Hinchley Harvey RO(SM) Renown 1993
Hocking Edward RO1 Collingwood 1993
Holmes John RO2(G) Dolphin 1973
Holt William RO2 Forest Moor 1963
Horne Peter RO2 Artful 1964
Howe Frederick CYoS Orlando 1946
Howe George Signalman Letitia 1947
Hutchinson Robert Ord. Signalman Elm 1946
Ingram Frederick CyoS Golden Hind 1945
Irven Alan Telegraphist Affray 1951
Irvine George W.H. CPO (TEL) Mercury 1954
Jackson Keith RO2 Mercury 1963
Jackson Peter RO1(G) Tiger 1976
Jones Percy PO Telegraphist Camperdown 1949
Keaney Susan WRO1 Neptune 1981
Kenna James RO1(T) Daedalus 1984
Knight Kenneth Signalman Braganza 1946
Lambert Peter LRO Victory 1961
Landau Mark RO2(G) Sirius 1984
Leach Bernard CPO Telegraphist Drake 1949
Lennon Hugh Signalman Royal Navy 1946
Lister Donald LTO Caunton 1960
Lomax Deric RO(G) Falmouth 1983
Long Alfred CPO Telegraphist Belfast 1946
Maddock James PO Telegraphist President 1951
Mallett William Leonard CPO Telegraphist - 1945
Massey Richard RO1(G) Fittleton 1976
Mathews David RS Neptune 1983
Maunders Michael Telegraphist Nigeria 1946
Mawson Thomas Lt Cdr Mercury 1976
McEwan James RO1(T) Arrow 1979
McGowan Andrew RO1(T) Lowestoft 1978
McNally Peter LRO Mercury 1963
Meagher Carl RO1(G) Fearless 1998
Melvin Graham RO2 Mercury 1971
Middleton Charles Boy Telegraphist P5518 1951
Morrissey Martin LRO(G) Ark Royal 1973
Moule Steven OM(C) Illustrious 2006
Mountbatten Louis Admiral of the Fleet Royal Navy 1979
Nelmes David Telegraphist Mercury 1961
Newnham Frederick YoS Royal Navy 1947
O'Connor Edward OM(C) Neptune 1997
O'Neill Harold Leading Telegraphist Wallflower 1947
O'Shea Michael RO1(G) Cardiff 1986
Pankhurst George CYoS Shrapnel 1946
Parker Ian RO1(G) Mercury 1977
Parker John RO(W) Fife 1979
Parkes Simon RO1(G) Illustrious 1986
Paul James Telegraphist RIN 1945
Peacock Edward Leading Signalman Cyclops 1946
Perrin Keith RO(T) Drake 1997
Pool David CYoS Mercury 1962
Potter Mark CCY Brilliant 1989
Potts Roger LRO Ulster 1971
Price Edward Signalman LST 3041 1945
Quantrill Ptrick RO2 Fittleton 1976
Race Neil RO2(G) Jupiter 1974
Redhead David JRO1 Mercury 1971
Rickard Paul RO Ark Royal 1972
Ricketts Bernard Boy Signalman P5518 1951
Ridout Michael LRO(W) Terror 1965
Riley Gary RO1(T) Galatea 1986
Robson Peter RS(SM) Neptune 1978
Roby Lawrence Telegraphist Wizard 1947
Roper Leslie Signalman Pembroke 1947
Sangan Sidney CCY Cambria 1976
Seaford William RO2 Mercury 1972
Selman Cedric Telegraphist Tamar 1946
Seymour Cecil CPO Telegraphist Drake 1951
Seymour Ian OM(C)2 148 Bty 2003
Sheppard Albert Ord. Telegraphist RNVR 1947
Shiels Perie RO1(T) Britannia 1994
Simpson Leslie RS Mercury 1961
Skinner David CY Fittleton 1976
Smith Eric Signalman Chatham 1946
Somerville Stephen RO1(G) UKSU Naples 1993
Stanley Herbert Leading Signalman Pembroke 1945
Stansfield Christopher RS Invincible 1990
Steggles Simon RO(T) Nelson 1992
Stewart James YEO of SIGS Pembroke 1958
Still Bernard LRO Coventry 1982
Sugden John Signalman Drake 1951
Surtees Robert YoS Sultan 1945
Swann William RO3 Tiger 1961
Todd Hugh RO2 Cochrane 1970
Todd Nigel RO1(G) Fife 1975
Toland Michael RS Raleigh 1974
Tregarthen Edward Ty/Act/PO Telegraphist Nile 1945
Tucker Herbert CYoS Pembroke 1946
Vaughan Garry RO(T) FOF2 1986
Vimpany Stuart RO1(G) Cuxton 1989
Wainwright Samuel Ord. Telegraphist Drake 1946
Walker James Signalman Urania 1946
Wallace George A/Ldg Telegraphist Indefatigable 1945
Webb Allen Telegraphist Blackcap 1949
White Edgar Telegraphist Collingwood 1946
Whiting Frederick RO2 Afrikander 1960
Whittaker Francis CRS Bellerophon 1961
Wielird P PO Telegraphist Collingwood 1945
Wilkinson Peter RS Warrior 1973
Will James Signalman RNVR 1946
Williams John Ord. Signalman Bermuda 1951
Williams Brian LRO St Angelo 1974
Williams Graham RO1(T) President 1975
Withington Kevin JRO1 Mercury 1976
Wolstenholme Mark RO1(G) Illustrious 1984
Wood John RO1(G) Falmouth 1982
Wood David OM(CSM) Superb 2004
Woodhead Jack RO2(G) Warrior 1973
Woods Frederick PO Telegraphist Affray 1951
Woods Colin LRO Opossum 1969
Woodward Norman LRO President 1971
Worsfold Benjamin Leading Telegraphist Affray 1951
Wright Arthur Signalman Tenby 1945
Yeomans Alan RO1 Drake 1990

With thanks to the Naval History website who provided the majority of the information on this page.