B21A Undergoing some TLC
B21A Undergoing some TLC
B21A Undergoing some TLC
Receiver R208
Tx 618/619 Rx CAS/CAT
Auto Alarm SQA
Clockwork Undulators
HRO + Power Supply
Emergency Tx 6D
FM 16
Receiver R500
Transceiver TCS
Transmitter Type 52


  A great deal of equipment was rescued from the old WWII Communications Centre situated in the underground tunnels at Corsham. If you wish to see more information and photos of these tunnels then Google Burlington Mines - look at Area 21. Many pieces of the equipment have now been restored and can be seen working in the museum. The following will undergo restoration as and when time permits. As can be seen the equipment has rust patches (some heavy) and concretion has formed on some parts especially the wiring. Next stage is to try and obtain any documentation and maintenance manuals before restoration starts.

Creed Model 7P
Creed Model 7TR/3
Creed Model No IT/2
Creed 75