Transmitters & Transceivers

©RN Communications Branch Museum/Library

Fleet Air Arm Fits

©RN Communications Branch Museum/Library

  In the days of long ago, when we had lots of ships, lots of men, and lots of naval aircraft in our Fleet Air Arm, our aircraft had their own set of radio equipments, although it was not uncommon to see some of it fitted in ships or submarines; the AN/Arc 52 was a good example. Many equipments used Crystals (XTALS) for their frequency determination, and the crystallisation was a joint effort between ships communicators and air radio electrical staff, the pinkies.

  Just as a marker, here is a typical list of the aircraft we flew from our ships/RNAS's:
    Fixed Wing:
        The Buccaneer Mk I and Mk II - enormous fighter bombers
        Gannet AEW Mk III and Sea Vixen - also big aircraft.
    Rotary Wing:
        The Wessex Mk I , III and V, Whirlwind SAR, SeaKing and the Wasp.
        The HARRIER.

  The Fleet Air Arm used mainly American kit, so first off, under Further Reading see the file USN Nomenclature. From file Aircraft Equipment (see Further Reading), you will see that our aircraft used mainly the American Collins 618T HF SSB Transceiver which the FAA called the ARI 23090. Even the Buccaneer MkI had an American Mullard SSB HF transceiver called the ARI18179/1. In addition, they were all fitted with the American AN/Arc 52 UHF Transceiver, or, for some helicopters (Wasp for example) where weight was always of concern, the PTR 170 lightweight UHF 12-channel transceiver, the ARI 18197/1 or 2. Note that the PTR 170 is not an American equipment and that PTR stands for 'Portable Transmit Receive'. Some were fitted for VHF working but not main FAA front line or second line aircraft.

  The members of the FAA were affectionately known as 'airy fairies' [note, not hairy]. This comes from the name Ariel, named so by William Shakespeare in his play, 'The Tempest'. Ariel was a mischievous airy spirit [a fairy] who darted [flew] here and there causing ructions. I suppose that the Illustrious' "Ariel's" caused ructions for the Italians at Taranto, and I won't mention what the German battleship Bismarck thought of Ark Royals' "Ariels" !


    Details of the AN ARC52
    Details of the COLLINGS 618T
    Details of the FAA Dual Purpose Generator
    Details of the FAA R47 Receiver
    Details of the FAA Tf Receiver
    Details of the FAA TRX4 with RX42 Receiver
    Details of the FAA Transmitter T48
    Details of the FAA T21C
    Details of the FAA Type W3 Wavemeter
    Details of Aircraft Equipment
    Details of FAA PTR170
    Details of USN Nomenclature