Photographs Falklands 1982 and beyond

Photographs - Falklands

©RN Communications Branch Museum/Library

  The following set of photographs were collected/taken by ex WO(CY) Rob Fuller. They are in a random order and may or may not have a caption. All credit goes to the original photographers.
(Click on an image to enlarge it and reveal any further information held.).

Abandoned Argy equipment
Abandoned rockets
Aircraft ablaze
Aircraft out of action
Aircraft wreckage
Aerial accommodation
Aerial accommodation
Antarctic airways
Antarctic survey aircraft
Antelope - Bomb Alley
Antelope - bow
Antelope's last legs in Bomb Alley
Argentine graves
Argentine memorial
Argentine munitions
Argentinian grave site
Argy bullets
Argy shells
Aerial shot of Goose Green
Atlantic Conveyor
Beach opposite Stanley
Bomb Alley on surrender day
Boot Hill
Cara Cara with kill
Cara Cara
Close up of launch
Colonel H's grave
Crossdeck Canberra
Falklands dosh
Galahad and Sir Tristram at Fitzroy
Galahad at Fitzroy
Galahad at Fitzroy
Galahad at Fitzroy
Galahad at Fitzroy
Glamorgan gets hit
Goose Green
Homeward Bound Tower
Intrepid comes home
Intrepid en-route south
Intrepid re-fuels
Land in the field
Land Rovers
Lazing about
LC & Gazelle
LC & Gazelle
Lusty in Ascension
Makeshift air base
Makeshift camp and helo site
March in the POWs
Memorial at Stanley
More Argy bullets
MPA domestic site
Mt Caroline
Mt Caroline
POW Camp
Plymouth hit aft
Plymouth gets hit aft
Overview of current camp at Mount Pleasant
Overview of current Camp at Mount Pleasant
Lusty in TEZ
Plaque inscription
Plaque inscription
Plymouth gets hit aft