Attaches AllowanceAALL | Accompanist Pay ACP | Lodging & Ratio Allowance LODG/AMA | Responsibility Pay Command Money AR | Extra Pay Porton/Cambridge CDEE | ROYAL NAVY PAY AND ALLOWANCES USED AT VARIOUS STAGES DURING THE PERIOD 1950 TO 1985. Look below to the CLICKABLE MATRIX to look at each separate PAY AWARD Remember the BACK button for navigation! | Child Education Allowance CEA | Cost of Living Safeguard CLS | Child Maintenance Allowances CMA | Committal Bonus COMM | Consultant Pay CONP |
Convertible Travel RefundsCONV | Disturbance AllowanceDA | Diploma PayDIP | Dip MoneyDP | Entertaining AllowanceEA | Flying Extra PayFEP | Free Fuel AllowanceFFA | Family Maintenance GrantFMG | Hard Lying MoneyHLM | Home to Duty Travel AllowanceHTD | |
Instructor PayINST | Instructor Officers Assistants PayIOAP | Kit Upkeep AllowanceKUA | Language AwardsLANG | Local Overseas AllowanceLOA | Ration AllowanceRA | London AllowanceLOND | Loan Service PayLOSP | Long Service Advance of Pay - House PurchaseLSAP | Length of Service PayLSP | |
Master-at-Arms PayMAP | Missed Meals PaymentMMP | Meals Out AllowanceMOA | Northern Ireland Additional PayNIAP | Overseas Family AllowanceOFA | Outfit GratuitiesOG | Overseas Rental AllowanceORA | Basic PayPAY | Part Time Service Instructor PayPTSI | Pay for Work Under Unpleasant ConditionsPWUC | |
Removal ExpensesRE | Re-Engaging Grants and GratuitiesRENG | Salvage AwardsSALV | Service GratuitySGAT | Shorthand Typist PaySHP | Settling In AdvanceSIA | Special Messing AllowanceSMA | Senior Specialist PaySNSP | Separation PaySP | Specialist Pay GeneralSPEC | |
Specialist Pay - DivingSSD | Specialist Pay - Submarine EscapeSSES | Specialist Pay - FlyingSSF | Specialist Pay - Flying TrainingSSFT | Specialist Pay - HydrographicSSHY | Specialist Pay - ParachuteSSPP | Specialist Pay - Parachute TrainingSSPT | Specialist Pay - SubmarineSSSM | Shorthand Writers PaySWP | Service Travelling Expenses or Subsistence allowanceTE | |
Table MoneyTM | Uniform GrantUG | Uniform Upkeep AllowanceUUA | Supplemental Pay332 | Interpreter Pay389 | Permanent Commission Grant452 | Special Bounties - SL Officers456 | DNEdS Examination Fees490 | Fees for Setting and Marking Examination Papers502 | Pilotage Fees516 | |
Tuition Allowance688 | LS & GC Gratuity842 | Marriage Allowance(Last used in the 1960's) before computerisation | Table 1 (Excel) - if you have Excel on your machine and you are au fait with its use, use it to do your pay calculations on. Otherwise use Table 2 opposite | Table (Word) - this method gives you a TABLE covering 2 years which you can print and then complete. | Badge Money (Last used in the 1960's) before computerisation | Service Gratuities846 | Short Service Gratuity848 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 |
JuneandDecember | JunandDecember | JuneandDecember | JuneandDecember | JuneandDecember | JuneandDecember | JuneandDecember | June | June | June |
--------------------------------------------------- |
1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
April | NO PAY RISE! | April | See 1962 | April | No Pay Rise | February | No Pay Rise | April | April |
--------------------------------------------------- |
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 |
April | August | AFPRB ReportandApril | AFPRB ReportandApril | AprilandAllowancesandSupplement | AprilandAllowancesandSupplement | MayandSupplement | April | AprilanSupplement | AFPRBandAllowancesandSupplement |
--------------------------------------------------- |
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | ||||
MayandAFPRB | MayandAFPRBandSupplement | MayandAFPRBandSupplement | MayandAFPRBandSupplement | AFPRBandSupplement | AFPRBandSupplement | ||||
--------------------------------------------------- |
Other Pay Issues | Kit Upkeep Allowances | Takes some believing |