In this file:- | Information of the general working of W/T apparatus (coherers), (jiggers - part of a tuning circuit transformer - see page 104 in this file Introductory Remarks to see the primary and secondary of a jigger feeding a coherer direct from an aerial input: jigger's are used with all spark equipments including transmitters), (cowtails - the ends of the aerial cable either at the aerial or in the office, (accumulators - collecting and storing electricity: batteries). New Service sets - 63 sets have been issued of the Marconi Type. Appropriation of W/T apparatus November 1902 (two pages separated by 'insulators'). Insulators for Wire Aerials. Alterations & Improvement "A new type of Coil" - Spark Gap coil. Information on Shore Stations. Notice in this file that HMS Collingwood is a Coastguard Ship. Also that HMS Hood was fitted with W/T kit from Marconi and not the RN kit (HMS Vernon). Of significance, the Hood was sunk in one of the entrances to Portland Harbour to stop Germans U-Boats and E-Boats from gaining entry. | ||
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In this file:- | W/T Instruments under trial. Magnetic decoder - better than a coherer ? Popoff - Ducretet apparatus - not a success. Motor transformer - trying to improve the spark gap transmitter. High resistance shunt for coherer - not approved ! W/T Kites - go fly your kite and succeed ! Wire aerials - is the system cracking up ? Accumulators - a break through with batteries. Potentiometers - coherer improvements again. Lodge-Muirhead System of W/T - an improvement on the coherer and the navy is interested in knowing more! Progress in Syntonic Telegraphy - Captain Jackson's system |