A2 RATT A2J A3A A3H A3J ACI ADCCP ADCOCK AE AF AFC AGC AM AMI AMRAD ANSI ARPANET ARQ ASCII ASSATS ATU AVC BCA BER BERT BFO BSC BSC (BiSync) BWO CARB CCIR CCITT CCO CCR CCS CDMA CEPT CFC CODEC COS CPU CR CR100 CR200 CRC CRL CRP CSF CSMA/CD CSU CUG CW - A1 CWS CYO DATEL DCE DCN DDCMP DDFS DFTS DNST DPE DPSK DRS DSB - A3 DTE EAA-EAZ EBCDIC EDAC/EDC EIRP ELTN EOW EVOS EWO FAB FCO FCS FDM FDMA FEK FEP FM Frequency band J Frequency band K Frequency band L Frequency band Q Frequency band S Frequency band V Frequency band X Frequency EHF Frequency HF Frequency IF (post war) Frequency IF (pre war) Frequency LF Frequency MF Frequency SHF Frequency UHF Frequency VHF Frequency VLF FRF FSCE FSCO FSK FST - RN F1 GAA GHz GK185 GPTN HCP HDB3 HDLC HF HFEC HOA(N) HT Hz ICS ICW IDA IDF IF IFF IFRB ISB ISDN ISO ITIMS ITL ITU IVSN kc/s kHz LAN LAP LCN LF LINCOMPEX LO LPI LRR LSB LSI LT LTR M88 M89 MAP MCCIS MCO MCVF MCW - A2 MDF MEP MF MFRS MHQ MHz MO MODEM MRL MSK MSO MTBF MTTR MWO NF NICS NL NRZ NSTA NSTN NTE NTU NUA NUI OSI OTA Oufit letter RHT 1-6 Outfit letter ACA-AZZ Outfit letter AH 1-6 Outfit letter Bac-BCz Outfit letter CAA-CUZ Outfit letter DDA-DZZ Outfit letter EA-EZ Outfit letter ESA-ESZ Outfit letter FH 3-5 Outfit letter FV 1-9 Outfit letter GJ-GY Outfit letter Group A/F Outfit letter Group AB Outfit letter Group GA Outfit letter Group K Outfit letter HRA-HRZ Outfit letter JA-JZ Outfit letter KBA-KBZ Outfit letter KCA-KCZ Outfit letter KDA-KDZ Outfit letter KFA-KFZ Outfit letter KGA-KGZ Outfit letter KHA-KHZ Outfit letter KJA-KJZ Outfit letter KMA-KMZ Outfit letter KSA-KSZ Outfit letter LAA-LAZ Outfit letter PDA-PDZ Outfit letter QA-QZ Outfit letter RAA-RAZ Outfit letter REA-REZ Outfit letter RH 1-3 Outfit letter RHR 1-6 Outfit letter RIS 1-6 Outfit letter RMA-RMZ Outfit letter RTA-RTZ Outfit letter RU 10-55 Outfit letter RV 1-4 Outfit letter SAA-SLZ Outfit letter TA-TZ Outfit letter TEA-TEZ Outfit letter TOA-TOZ Outfit letter YAA-YAZ PA PABX PAD PAM PCC PCM PEP PJF PLL PPM PRK PSE PSK PSS PSTN PTT QAM QPSK R/C R/T RATT RCU RF RIS RPI RX RX REB Socket RX REC Socket SABM SCOT SCYO SDLC SGT SNA SNAC SNR SOP SPC SPE SPH SSB - Various STCICS STDB STMA T/R TARE TASS TCF TCU TDM TDMA TDMG TDSA TIMS TR TRIPLE-X TS TWT TX Type number 203 & 5 Type number 241-244 Type number 249 Type number 251-259 Type number 262-293 Type number 303-350 Type number 34-89 Type number 405-410 Type number 431-434 Type number 451-458 Type number 501-527 Type number 531-537 Type number 601-605 Type number 607-608 Type number 610-616 Type number 617 Type number 618-619 Type number 650-666 Type number 681-687 Type number 690-693 Type number 900-999 Type number 91 Type number 92-93 UA UHF UKMACCS UKNAVCAMS UKSUBCAMS UPS URR USB UTR VCO VF VFO VHF VLF VSLI VSWR WAN Wm WPM XL XO XTAL | A Ratt system based on AF two tone shift keying using a UHF system in the DSB mode 1kHz tone keyed sub carrier is added to TX synthesised frequency to produce A1 Voice in USB with a pilot carrier. Carrier re-insersion not required - ordinary DSB RX is used Voice in USB with a full carrier. Carrier re-insersion not required - ordinary DSB RX is used Voice in USB with suppressed carrier. Carrier re-insertion required at receiver. Adjacent channel interference Advanced data communications control procedure (ANSI) A system of folded dipoles for the D/F outfits FV series Aerial Audio frequency Automatic frequency control Automatic gain control Amplitude modulation Alternate mark inversion Automatic message routeing and distribution system American national standards institution Advanced research projects agency network Automatic request for repetition American standard code for information interchange Advanced ship-shore automatic telegraphy system Aerial tuning unit Automatic volume control Broadcast control authority Bit error rate Bit error rate testing Beat frequency oscillator Broadcast Control Station Binary synchronous communication (IBM) Bridge wireless office Channel availability and receipt broadcast International radio consultative committee International telegraph and telephone consultative committee Central Communications Office Communications control room Central Control System Code division multiple access European conference of postal and telecommunications Communications facility control Coder-Decoder Change over switch Central processor unit Communications requirement B28 receiver - Marconi commercial design B29 receiver - Marconi commercial design Cyclic redundancy check Contingency rear link Character release pulse Classified socket field Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection Crytographic switching unit (Outfit PRC(1)) Close user group Continuous wave - Morse Code Centralised Wireless System Crypto office UK PTT Data transmission service Data circuit - terminating equipment Defence communication network Digital data communications message protocol (DEC) Direct digital frequency synthesis Defence fixed telecommunication system Directorate of naval shore telecommunications Dual path emission Differential phase shift keying Distributed resource system (ICL) Double side band voice Data terminal equipment Common aerial working outfits Extended binary coded decimal interchange code Error detection and correction Effective isotropic radiate power Engineering liaison teleprinter network Engineering order wire Electronic voice operated switch Electronic warfare office Frequency availability broadcast Fleet communications officer Frequency calling schedule (HF Radio) - Frame check sequence (Data comms) Frequency division multiplex Frequency division mutiple access Frequency exchange keying Front end processor Frequency modulation 11900-14250 MHz - later 11500-18000 20500-26500 MHz - later 18000-25000 390-1650 MHz - later L2 300-1000 L1 1000-2000 33300-37500 MHz - later 25000-40000 1650-5200 MHz - later 2500-4100 50000-75000 MHz - later 50000-74000 5200-11900 MHz - later - C 4100-7000 X 7000-11500 Extremely high frequency 30 GHz - 300 GHz High frequency 3 to 30 MHz - Short Wave -in the RN usually 1.5 to 24 MHz Intermediate frequency of a superhet receiver between the RF and AF stages Intermediate frequency. In the 1930's this meant the 300-3000 kHz frequency band Low frequency 30 to 300 kHz (In the 1930's this meant all below 100 kHz) - Long Wave Medium frequency 300-3000 kHz - Medium Wave -RN usually 240 kHz to 3MHz Super high frequency 3GHz to 30 GHz - radars, EW and satcoms for RN use Ultra high frequency 300 MHz-3 GHz - in the RN usually 225 to 400 MHz & 420 MHz Missiles. Very high frequency 30-300 MHz - in the RN usually in excess of 30MHz to 162 MHz Very low frequency below 30 kHz. In the 1930's LF was all below 100 kHz - no VLF Filter radio frequency Fleet shore communication engineer Fleet shore communications officer Frequency shift keying where the RF carrier is pulled up or down to achieve the shift. Frequency shift telegraphy Two tone keyer GigaHertz Two tone keyer General purpose telephone network Hard copy printer High density bipolar - 3 High level data link control High frequency 3 to 30 MHz - Short Wave -in the RN usually 1.5 to 24 MHz High frequency (radio) engineering control Harbour operations and administration net High tension Hertz Integrated communications system Interrupted carrier keying used when 602E is running on emergency power only. Integrated digital access Intermediate distribution frame Intermediate frequency Indicate friend or foe - radar systems International frequency registration board Separate transmission in each sideband of a TX either side of the TX synthesised frequency Integrated services digital network International organisation for standardisation In-service transmission impairment measuring set Isolator, telegraph line International telecommunications union Initial voice switched network kilocycles (small letter 'k') = kiloHertz (capital H because a mans name) today. kiloHertz (always a small k) Local area network Link access protocol (balanced) Local control Network (radio)/Logical channel number (X25) Low frequency 30 to 300 kHz (In the 1930's this meant all below 100 kHz) - Long Wave Linear Compression and expansion Local oscillator Low probability of intercept Lower receiving room Lower side band in an SSB system. Not normally used in the RN unless when ISB is used Large scale integration Low tension Lower transmitting room Amplifier unit for type 603 transmitter Amplifier unit for type 604/605 transmitters Mangement processor (outfit PRB(1)) Maritime communications, control and information systems Main communications office Multi channel voice frequency Modulated continuous wave - Morse Code using DSB (double sideband) Main distribution frame Message processor (Outfit PRA(1)) Medium frequency (radio)/Multi Frequency (line) Message filing and retrieval system Maritime headquarters MegaHertz (always a capital letter). Master oscillator Modulator/Demodulator Maritime rear link Minimum shift keying Main signal office Mean time between failures Mean time to repair Main wireless office Noise Filter NATO integrated communications system Noise Limiter Non return to zero Naval shore telecommunications authority Naval shore telecommunications network Networking terminating equipment Network terminating unit Network user address Network user identity Open systems inrerconnection Off the air Auto HS Transmitters Aerial outfits Shore D/F - fixed aerial Battery outfits Receiver outfits less CEA, CEZ, CPA, CRZ which are radars AC Supply outfits Aerial exchange outfits Aerial switching outfits for radar MF D/F - fixed aerial VHF D/F - fixed aerial Wavemeter outfits Bulkhead insulator Type AG deck insulator Type OZ deck insulator Type W deck insulator Radar teachers Radar indicator outfits Aerial control outfits W/T and R/T control outfits C.W.S. (Central Wireless System) control outfits Fighter direction control outfits Speech control outfits W/T and R/T control outfits Speech control outfits (VOGAD) = Voice operated gain adjusting device. Monitor and R/C outfits for YE and flying aids VHF control outfits on shore Lighting arrestor for shore stations A.I.C. Outfits Special receivers for radio warfare Radar training sight outfits Recording outfits HF D/F - rotating aerial Auto HS Receivers Radar interference suppressors Radio maintenance room outfits Radar ranging outfits UHF D/F - rotating aerial VHF D/F in Vans - rotating aerial Shore station R/C outfits Aerial trunk outfits Tools outfits Test outfits Third office (wireless office) accessory outfits Power amplifier Public automatic branch exchange Packet assembler/disassembler Pulse amplitude modulation Partial crystal control Pulse code modulation Peak envelope power Patching jack field Phase locked loop Pulse position modulation Phase reverse keying Packet switch exchange Phase shift keying Packet switch stream (BT) Public switched telephone network Postal telegraph and telephone authority Quadtanture amplitude modulation Quadranture phase shift keying Radar control outfits Radio telephone Radio automatic teletype Radio control unit Radio frequency Radar interference suppressor Remote peripheral interface Receiver Output from the B40 RX's IF3 for photographic analysis of faults in transmission. Output from the B40 RX's detector for disc or wire recorders Set asynchronous balanced mode Small communications terminal Secret crypto office Synchronous data link control (IBM) Satellite ground terminal System network architecture (IBM) Secure net alongside communications Signal to noise ratio Single operator period Stored programme control Single path emission Special handling Single side band - see FST, A3A, A3H, A3J, A2J, ISB etc. Strike command integrated communications system Statistical time division multiplexing Shore telecommunications maintenance authority Transceiver or transmitter/receiver Telegraph automatic routeing equipment Telegraph automatic switching service Technical control facility Transmitter control unit Time division multiplexing Time division multple access Telegraph distortion message generator Telegraph distortion signal analyser Transmission impairment measuring set Transmitting room CCITT Recommendation X3, X28, X29 Transmitting Station - gunnery control Travelling wave tube Transmitter Control of motor boats Interrogators Ionospheric sounder Beacons Radars V/S special infra red Transmitters except for 79 = radar Wa/T (Warning Telephone) Hailers SRE (Sound Reproduction Equipment) Buzzer Outfits R/C Outfits (Radar Control for aircraft) HF and MF transmitters Small craft transmitters 608 sea-going 607 coastal waters. Both used the CDR (B28) RX Low power transmitters - transportable and portables Shore radio transmitter Low power transmitters - transportable and portables RW (Radio Warfare) now EW (Electronic Warfare) Low power VHF UHF transmitters Radars Jammer anti radar B.A.B.S. (Beam Approach Beacon System for aircraft) Unnumbered acknowledgement Ultra high frequency 300 MHz-3 GHz - in the RN usually 225 to 400 MHz & 420 MHz Missiles. UK Maritime coastal communications system UK Naval communications area master station UK Submarine communications area master station Uninterruptabe power supply Upper receiving room Upper side band in an SSB system. Usually, the norm in the RN Upper transmitting room Voltage controlled oscillator Voice frequency Variable frequency oscillator Very high frequency 30-300 MHz - in the RN usually in excess of 30MHz to 162 MHz Very low frequency below 30 kHz. In the 1930's LF was all below 100 kHz - no VLF Very large scale integration Voltage standing Wave Ratio Wide area network Wavemeter Words per minute Crystal Crystal oscillator Crystal | ||